Children are our passion.
Between the two of us, we have used our passion for over 40 years to help lots of kids…
Gifted kids, anxious kids, kids with ADHD or Autism…uniquely wired kids who don’t fit the mold. These children are so often misunderstood by even the most well-intentioned teachers and parents.
Frustrated with the education system, we left successful careers as school counselors to help kids in a different way, as life coaches.
Our coaching practices quickly exploded as we used our knowledge and experience to adapt the adult coaching model to meet the developmental needs of children. It became clear…the world needs more kid coaches!
We are so glad you stopped here to visit. We love sharing our passion with other coaches, so check out the resources you find on these pages and in our blog.
If you have an interest in coaching kids,
we are here for YOU!
"Story is a yearning meeting an obstacle."
-Robert Olen Butle.

Diane McLean, MEd, PCC
As an experienced coach, counselor, teacher, mentor, and mom of uniquely wired kids, Diane knows the struggles of adults and children.

Kayci Hartung, MS
Kayci is a school counselor-turned-life coach for uniquely wired kids. One of her biggest passions is bridging communication between children and adults.
"If it weren't for Diane, I would not have had the success that I have achieved in such a short period of time. I am the first executive function coach in my state to be paid by a school district to coach students."
Kids need you.
Join our list of passionate kid coaches to get
ideas, tools, and support for your coaching practice.