All kids deserve to be understood.
At Uniquely Wired Kids
we know children are coachable.
We provide resources
to help life coaches
meet the unique
needs of children.
Are you a life coach with a heart for kids?
So glad you found us! We have a passion for helping children use their strengths to move from stressed to success. With our extensive experience in the fields of education, psychology, counseling, and coaching, we can help you shift your coaching practice to help clients as young as five years.
Check out our free tools for coaches.

4 Areas of Strength You MUST Know To Coach Kids
Coaches know kids are amazing humans. Armed with the knowledge of their strengths, kids can help create strategies that fit their uniquely wired brains. Find out the critical strengths and empower kids with tools that will serve them throughout their lives.

The 5 Languages of Children:
Communicate with Kids without Talking Down
Children are not just little people, and they often don't engage in a coaching conversation like an adult. But kids have PLENTY to share when coaches communicate with them developmentally.

Am I REALLY Ready to
Coach Children?
Take the quiz...
You have worked with kids in other fields and have a passion for children. But do you have the knowledge and skills to coach kids? Take the survey to find out if you are prepared to coach young children, teens, and parents.

Who are uniquely wired kids?
These are the kids who stand out in a crowd, but not always in a good way. Some of these kids come with labels like ADHD, Autism, or anxiety. All of them are incredibly smart, even "gifted," yet they often struggle with academics, social skills, or executive functions. Bottom line - these are the kids who need coaching the most. Get our FREE GUIDE: The 5 Languages of Children.
Who are we?
We are school counselors-turned child life coaches, Diane McLean and Kayci Hartung. And children are our passion. Between the two of us, we have used our 40 years of experience to help a lot of uniquely wired kids and the adults in their lives. Read our stories

Our mission: Helping coaches help kids
Uniquely wired kids need a champion, someone who understands, accepts, and encourages them to grow. But they also need coaches who think outside the box. By providing support and resources to coaches like YOU, we can help many children experience success. We want to help you help them. Learn about our Kid Coaching Collaborative.
Kids need you.
Join our list of passionate kid coaches to get
ideas, tools, and support for your coaching practice.